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Can you scrap stuff Starfield?

Can you scrap stuff in Starfield?

Yes, according to the information available, there is no option to scrap items in Starfield. Instead, players can either sell the items or choose not to pick them up in the first place.

Is junk useful in Starfield?

Workshop items, such as random tools and rolls of duct tape, are only used as junk items in Starfield. They are not worth picking up.

Can you recycle weapons in Starfield?

No, it is not possible to recycle or scrap weapons in Starfield. Players can either equip companions with them or sell them.

Is there a scrap mechanic in Starfield?

No, there is no scrap mechanic in Starfield. Unlike previous Bethesda games, players cannot scrap gear for parts.

What can you do with raw materials in Starfield?

Generally speaking, most resources in Starfield are used for researching new crafting recipes, crafting or manufacturing recipes and mods, and building outpost settlements.

What is the most valuable resource in Starfield?

According to the information available, aluminum is considered the most important resource in Starfield.

Who can you romance in Starfield?

Bethesda has confirmed that in Starfield, players can romance four characters who are part of the Constellation faction. These companions are Sarah Morgan, Barrett, Sam Coe, and Andreja.

Does Starfield allow mods?

Yes, Starfield will have mod support. Modders will be able to add new planets, quests, and stories to the game.

What is the point of scrap mechanic?

Scrap Mechanic is a separate game developed by Axolot Games. It is an open-world sandbox survival game where players can explore, scavenge, and collect objects to build shelters, vehicles, and machines.

Does Starfield use the Fallout engine?

No, Starfield uses the Creation Engine, which is a 3D video game engine created by Bethesda Game Studios. It is a new iteration of the engine called Creation Engine 2.

What do you do with extra items in Starfield?

To get rid of extra items in Starfield, players can sell them to stores and vendors found in major cities, settlements, or spaceports.

What loot is worth keeping in Starfield?

Based on the gathered information, it is suggested to prioritize carrying weapons, spacesuits, packs, helmets, credits, resources, and ammo in Starfield.

What should I not pick up in Starfield?

Most food items in Starfield are not worth picking up due to their low value and limited use in gameplay. It is recommended to prioritize other important items such as weapons, spacesuits, packs, helmets, credits, resources, and ammo.

What should I sell in Starfield?

All armor-related equipment is worth selling in Starfield. It is suggested to collect armor and weapon items from enemies and sell them for credits.

Is scrap good money?

While scrap metal prices can vary, certain metals like steel, lead, aluminum, copper, brass, and titanium tend to be worth more money. Copper is often considered the best-paid scrap metal.

What language is Scrap Mechanic written in?

Scrap Mechanic uses the Lua scripting language, specifically Lua version 5.1.

Can you sleep in Scrap Mechanic?

Yes, players can sleep in Scrap Mechanic. There are beds available in certain locations such as the Crashed Maintenance Ship and Mechanic Stations.

Will Starfield be multiplayer?

No, Starfield is not a multiplayer game. It is intended to be a purely singleplayer RPG experience.

Will Starfield have mods day one?

Yes, modding support will be available for Starfield from day one. Modders will be able to create and add new content to the game.

Will Starfield have weapons?

Yes, Starfield will feature a variety of weapons. There will be standard-issue guns like assault rifles, unique weapons, and modded versions of weapons.

Can you sleep with Sarah in Starfield?

Based on the information available, Sarah in Starfield is considered a committed partner and players can sleep with her.

Can you remarry in Starfield?

No, remarrying is not an option in Starfield. However, players can choose to romance and establish relationships with other characters in the game.

Can you divorce in Starfield?

Yes, players can get a divorce in Starfield by initiating a conversation with their partner and choosing the option to end the marriage.

Note: The information provided in this article is based on the available content and may be subject to change as more information about Starfield is released.
